Monday, February 10, 2014

Let's Get Uncomfortable. Breaking Down the 'Comfort Zone'

We've all heard it.
We all know what it is.
What's so special about it?

The comfort zone is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.

"The comfort zone is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition..."
We slip into this state, often unconsciously, to avoid the harsh feelings of anxiety or nervousness.
Over the millions of years that our species has evolved, we've been trained to instinctively generate these feelings of anxiety to protect us from danger.

"...using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance..."
Doing the same thing yields the same results. In fact, someone has even gone so far in using the term INSANITY if you expect different results in the process. Anybody with a competitive nature is always looking for ways to improve. Ways to do something better. Ways to get better results. One can see why enabling the comfort zone is detrimental to the goal at hand.

"...usually without a sense of risk..."
Theodore Roosevelt once said, "No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life, in a great cause".
'Nuff said.

Here's the challenge:
Next time you get a feeling of anxiety or nervousness, embrace that feeling.
Take a deep breath and be grateful you're getting that feeling.
Next time:

  • You have a presentation at work coming up in a few weeks.. This is going to be the biggest crowd you have ever presented to.
  • You have to let go a few of your employees whom you've known for years.
  • You're asked to lead a group on a critical project with a tight deadline.
  • You are standing in line at the grocery store behind the most beautiful girl you've ever seen and trying to muster up the courage to say something.
Be grateful! Take the risk. Do the best you can.
Yes, you may very likely fall on your face. But that's OK!
Keep this important point in mind - If you continue to push yourself out of your comfort zone, you will find that these things will start becoming less and less uncomfortable. Like anything, it takes time and repetition to be great but keep pushing - One day you will have the ability to roll out of bed and give a presentation to 5 times as many people with no sweat.
You'll be leading groups to success one after another.
Every pretty girl in the neighborhood will know your name.

  1. Recognize your nervous feeling. This has to be a conscious discernment.
  2. Embrace the feeling and take a deep breath.
  3. Stay calm and do the best you can.. Treat this situation as a practice session for later.

Let's get uncomfortable!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Success Model Mindset

You spent countless hours, time and a whole lot of effort in preparing how to guard #41 as well as preparing yourself for the game.
You didn’t get any playing time  this game and it’s frustrating because you feel like your efforts were worthless.
But they weren’t and here’s why –

Taking a look at both scenarios:
A – I focus, take initiative to learn the tendencies of the opposing team’s #41, focus on learning his moves and ways to stop him defensively. Using every minute of practice and film productively.

B - I float through practice, running through all the drills feeling totally miserable because ‘It’s not like I am going to play anyway’.

In both scenarios, you still finish the day expelling the same amount of energy.
In scenario A, you’re engaged, learning and improving YOURSELF.. Staying in the moment and preparing yourself so you confidently and successfully complete the task when you are given the opportunity.
In scenario B, you’re miserable and wishing you were somewhere else. You’re thinking that this is a waste of time and just floating and running the motions.

Why not pick scenario A? If you’re going to spend the hours in practice, spend hours watching film, spend hours studying your opponent, WHY WOULDN’T I want to do the best I could?
At the end of the day, you’re going to spend just as much energy and spend just as much time whether you do the best you can or just float.

A lot of people in the world today float. Many of them are miserable and most cringe when faced with obstacles in whatever they’re doing.
Very few people understand this concept and live by it… Because they have figured out that there is NO REASON NOT TO.

You’ve heard – When the opportunity comes around, you’d better be ready for it.
What does that mean?  And how do I know I am ready?

You’re team is laying a giant golden egg which is normal throughout the ups and downs of the basketball season.
Your sales are on a declining trend, picking up speed like a falling rock.
BUT, you have done this long enough to know that opportunity will come around again.

I’m going to make sure I am ready.

‘What if I prepare every day and I don’t get an opportunity? ‘What if all that work was useless?’
Chances are, the opportunity will knock.
At the very least, you’re practicing and building a habit that will ensure you’re successful in whatever you do next.

Many situations in life are similar to this one.
How am I going to handle this and come out on top?

Keep preparing and keep focusing.
Always remember that whatever you’re doing, whether it is building a birdhouse or preparing for a conference championship, you’re going to do the very best you can.