Thursday, March 27, 2014


How many times have you heard older generations say something along the lines of "Kids now-a-days don't understand the concept of hard-work.... They feel they deserve to have everything given to them... etc".
The fact is, this has been repeated for hundreds of years.
Your parents and grandparents have lived and learned the lesson of life -
Anything worth a damn, has got to be earned.

The great majority of children grow up in an environment where they are given everything.
Baby's crying for a bottle, being fed and having their diapers changed.
Children having to be woken up, clothes washed and folded for school.
As in nature, the kin eventually stop receiving hand-outs and begin to learn to fend for themselves.

The fact is- The quicker you figure this out, the more successful you will become.
In the professional world you've got to earn everything.

Read biographies of successful people.. More times than not, the story begins with the idea of the child learning hard-work early on. - "Started working at the age of 8 to help support the family... Came from an immigrant family, working for the family business from a young age... etc".

You may have friends or connections that were rewarded a great position within a company or the reins of their Father's business or even a large sum of money.
These people were placed on the stage with no idea of the hard work it takes to get there.
Conversely, the people that worked tirelessly to get on the stage are conditioned for success and history has shown these people stay on the stage and continue climbing the ladder towards success.

Congratulations to those who are given these gifts earned by other's hard-work.
I'd rather earn mine.

What this boils down to is:
Hard work, practice and improvement, consistency and a good attitude WILL bring you success.
Excellence can't be given or received and doesn't happen by accident.

'Til next time..

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the thought John.

    I saw a quote from Vince Lombardi the other day along the lines of "the measure of success isn't what you have but what you do with what you have." Combine this with my favorite saying from a Russian friend, "in Russia we can make candy from pieces of shit."

    I think will power and hard work can produce success from practically any circumstance or endeavor.
